guidance, straight talk, and transformational methods to change your life
In my daily life, I see hearts everywhere I look — in rocks, in leaves, even in bits of detritus. I see them because I have trained myself to see them — I shifted my focus. This is how I approach coaching; helping people identify what they want to find, then guiding them to shift their focus until they learn to spot — and seize — the opportunities they are seeking.
The lens through which you see yourself and the world is often the biggest block to making progress. Coaching can help you shift that lens, to improve self confidence, self compassion, and self esteem, improve boundaries, relationships, communication skills, and work-life balance.
Sarah Rubin, MFT
My experience as a creative life coach is backed by over 20 years of providing psychotherapy to mental health clients. I became an expert at listening for patterns, connecting past experiences to present situations, and developed a heightened intuitive state where I could identify key sources of discomfort, pain and fear in my clients’ stories.
Coaching focuses on personal development, professional development and self improvement, but it is not mental health treatment or clinical care.
I take great pride in helping people shift their lives into a more positive direction, and I am passionate about helping people become more calm, peaceful and loving towards themselves, their communities, and the planet.
NEW! Workshops and retreats at Harley Farms
Harley Farms goat dairy is nourishing, calming, and peaceful even amidst all of the hard work and chaos that is farm life, and we’ve been working on a way to bring you more. Tucked away in the back corner of the Secret Garden of the Farm is a special little meadow next to a charming little building that provides privacy and shade—home to our new farm workshops.
summer farm workshop
peace and release
Friday, June 28th, 9:30 am – 2 pm | $150 + $40 materials fee.
Part of a four-part series based on the four seasons. Come and soak up the magic of the farm in a private and exclusive workshop intended to teach you ways to regulate and let go.